Date: 1 February 2021
Public Offer
This public offer is made by

195112, St. Petersburg, pr-kt Malookhtinsky, 16, bldg. K. 1 letter A, office premises. 16-N com. 16

to any individual (hereinafter referred to as the User) interested in using the services of MedBeautyAcademy. This public offer is considered accepted when the User registers on the Website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) and provides their personal data, or such data is sent automatically by third-party services (social media, messengers, mobile carriers, etc).
Registration can be completed in the following ways:
· filling in a form on the Website and providing personal data (first and last name, phone number, email address, etc);
· signing up for the group of the Service on social media (Facebook, VK, Instagram) (or “liking”/“recommending” the group of the Service, or “following” or “subscribing” to the group, or accepting an invitation to sign up for the group);
· filling in a form on the Website embedded into a social media page of the Service;
· sending a message to the group of the Service on social media or commenting another message in the group;
· connecting to, adding to the contact list, or starting the automated contact program of the Service (“bot”) in a messenger (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, VK Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Instagram);
· sending a message to the contact of the Service (including to the bot or to the phone number) using a messenger;
· sending an email to the email address of the Service;
· sending an SMS message to a phone number of the Service.
By accepting this offer, the individual intending to receive information from the website and/or the free or paid services of the Service and/or perform any other actions on the website acknowledges and accepts that:
the text of this public offer is understood and the User has no additional questions about it at the moment of accepting the public offer;
processing personal data is allowed in the case where it is necessary to execute a contract to which the subject of personal data is a party. Accepting this public offer constitutes an agreement to the processing of the personal data of the individual intending to receive the services of the Service;
the Service is allowed to send advertising and informational notifications to the User registered for the Service using the contact information (personal data clearly provided by the User during registration or other use of the Service) or using data received automatically from third-party services, such as social media, messengers, mobile carriers). Advertising and informational notifications may be sent by:
1. email;
2. SMS;
3. messengers;
4. social media messages;
5. phone calls, including automated ones.
the Service is allowed to send advertising and informational notifications not only of the Service’s products and services, but also of its partners, i.e. companies and individuals having a business relationship with the Service.
Matters not covered by this public offer are regulated by the law of the applicable jurisdiction.

Online School Services Contract

(essential conditions)

1. Terms and Definitions
1.1.Online School: the service of providing information over the internet on the Service.
1.2.Service: the website and other technical means which provide and maintain the functions of the Online School.
1.3.Online Course: a package information, including audiovisual information, specifically created to be displayed on the internet and consisting of a certain number of Units.
1.4.Unit: a part of an Online Course constituting a logically complete portion of the information of the Online Course and, where it is necessary, containing requirements (assignments) which limit access to further Units or limit the further Online Course Study.
1.5.Online Course Study: the process of consuming the information in the Online Course with the intention of receiving information, knowledge, or skills contained in the Online Course, which includes completing mandatory or non-mandatory assignments from the Units.
1.6.Student or User: an individual who accepted the public offer to receive the right to use all the services and information provided by the Website.
1.7. Student Account: the Student’s personal space on the Service. The Student Account is personalized.
1.8.Teacher: the individual providing the information and/or checking the accuracy of the Student Answers on the Service.
1.9.Student Answer: an assignment completed by the Student which they present to the Teacher for checking. The Answer may be checked personally by the Teacher or automatically. As a result of the check, the Answer may be rejected, in which case the assignment is considered incomplete and the further Online Course Study remains limited.
1.10. Stop Unit: a Unit that limits the Student’s access to further Units until the Student completes the requirements included in the Stop Unit.
1.11. Webinar: an interactive online event with the Online Course Teacher or the recording of such event.
1.12. Service Administrator: the entity which initiates the public offer, provides access to the Online Courses and/or Webinars and monitoring the actions of the Students.
1.13. Online Course Study Conditions: a set of requirements and limitations defined by the Service Administrator which determines the conditions required for the Student to obtain access to the Online Course and the Student’s allowed resources during the Course Study. Different Students may have different requirements and different allowed resources.
2. Subject of the Contract
1.1.The subject of this Contract contains:
▪ providing access to Online Courses intended at conveying information to the Students;
▪ providing access to Webinars;
▪ providing the service of checking Student Answers to determine the accuracy of completing the assignment by the Student. The service of checking Student Answers is provided if it is required by the corresponding Online Course and the Online Course Study Conditions.
3. Procedures for the Provision of Services
3.1.Access to the Online Course is provided in the following way:
▪ The Online Course is accessed from the Student Account.
▪ Access to the Online Course may be limited to the period specified in the Online Course Study Conditions.
▪ The Administrator has the right to change the period of access to the Online Course.
▪ The Online Course may contain one or more Stop Units. The number of Stop Units is determined by the Service Administrator.
▪ If the Student has not completed the requirements of the Stop Unit, access to further Online Course Units is not provided to the Student until they complete the requirements, and this is not extended beyond the period of access to the Online Course in accordance with the Online Course Study Conditions.
3.2.By mutual agreement between the Student and the Service Administrator, the Student’s access to the Online Course may be extended in cases where, for valid reasons, the Student could not complete the Online Course Study in the period specified for that Online Course.
3.3.Access to Webinars is provided as follows:
▪ Webinars are conducted live or played back from a recording, including with simulated activity of the Teacher and other viewers. The procedure for accessing the Webinar is determined by the Service Administrator.
▪ Upon completion of the Webinar the Students may be provided with its recording. The procedure for providing access the recording of the Webinar is determined by the Service Administrator.
▪ Where technically possible, the Service Administrator may provide for the Student a special form (chat) to communicate with the Teacher during the Webinar.
4. Price of Services and Payment Procedure
4.1.The payment for the Online Course and/or Webinar implies that the Student has viewed and agrees with the information about the Online Course and/or Webinar provided on the Service and intends to complete the Online Course Study or attend the Webinar.
4.2.Services are payable using the payment systems listed on the Service.
4.3.Upon selecting the Online Course and/or Webinar, a corresponding invoice is created in the User’s Student Account. The Service may send a copy of the invoice to the User’s email address or to another contact from the known personal data of the User.
4.4.The invoice must be paid within 3 (three) business days upon its receipt, unless otherwise specified in the invoice or in the Student Account.
4.5.In the case of a late payment, access to the Online Course and/or Webinar is not provided to the Student.
4.6.Partial payment of the invoice and conditions for providing the services in the case of a partial payment may be allowed and determined by the Service Administrator.
4.7.The Service may provide additional services related to the Online School. Detailed information on the service, its price, schedule, and other important data must be listed on the Service. The payment for such additional services will imply the Student’s agreement with the information about the services provided by the Service. All provisions regarding Online Courses and Webinars are applicable to additional services, unless otherwise stated in the information about the additional service.
5. Responsibility
5.1.The Student is responsible for providing accurate information during registration and understands the risk connected to providing wrong information. The Service Administrator does not verify the accuracy of the data provided by the Student
5.2.The Student is responsible for all objects of intellectual property that they upload to the Service, such as photographs, images, drawings, articles, logos, and other intellectual property protected by applicable law. If claims relating to such objects are presented to the Service Administrator by third parties, the Student must settle such claims with their own efforts. If intellectual property claims are filed with the Service Administrator resulting in the Service Administrator incurring losses, the Student must repay these losses within one month after the Service Administrator presents a repayment request.
5.3.The Student is liable for copying and distributing the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or any other audiovisual information provided by the Service, in part or in full. If violations of this provision are discovered, the Service Administrator has a right to block the Student’s Account and terminate the services provided to the Student, presenting the Student with a corresponding claim, and file a lawsuit in a court of law to protect their rights and seek compensation of losses. If the Student is discovered to be a participant or distributor of the Online Course (including parts of the Online Course) on services for the joint purchase of informational products, the Student must pay the Service Administrator a fine of 100,000 USD.
5.4.The Student is liable for allowing third parties to access their account. If the Student allows such access, the Student must pay the Service Administrator a fine of 30,000 USD for each count of the violation.
6. Cancellation of the Service
6.1.In a case where the Student has paid for an Online Course or other service but later decided to refuse the Online Course Study or other paid service, the Student must notify the Service Administrator of this decision using the communication channels listed on the Service.
6.2.Any and all refunds are made to the Student after the deduction of commissions of the payment systems used by the Student to pay for the Service and any other factual expenses that the Service incurred in order to provide access to the Online Course and/or Webinar and/or additional services; if the Student started the Online Course Study or another service but later decided to refuse the services, the Service retains the price of services that have been factually provided until the date of refusal, as well as payment service commissions and factual expenses.
6.3.The notification of refusal of services must be provided by the Student no later than 5 (five) days before the refusal date indicated in the notification.
6.4.The refund of the fee paid by the Student is processed using the same method that the Student used to make the payment, or another method upon mutual agreement between the Student and the Service Administrator.
7. Special Provisions
7.1.The Service is allowed to use the Student Answers in any way with no limitations.
7.2.Substitution of the Online Course at the Student’s request is subject to approval by the Service Administrator and may only be done if it is possible, in particular, if there are enough spots available in the desired Online Course.
8. Final Provisions
8.1.This Contract remains in force indefinitely.
8.2.Disagreements are to be settled using the agreed-upon procedure for pre-trial settlement.
8.3.Claims to the Service must be directed to the email address listed on the Service and include “Dispute Matter” in the subject line. Claims to the Student are directed to the Student’s email provided during registration.
8.4.If a disputed issue is not settled within 35 (thirty-five) days after the receipt of the claim by the Service or the Student, the claimant may file a claim in a court of law in the location of the Service Administrator.
8.5.The Service is not liable for interruptions in telecommunications or power networks, or breakage of equipment maintaining the functions of the Service; malware leading to terminations or interruptions of the functions of the internet in full or in the parts required to execute this Contract; illicit actions of third parties directed at obtaining unauthorized access and/or interrupting the functions of the Service.
8.6.This Contract may be modified by the Service Administrator at any point, therefore the User has the responsibility to check the up-to-dateness of this Contract weekly and carefully read any published changes.
8.7.The Service Administrator shall take all necessary measures to advise the User in advance about any changes in the text of this Contract, in particular, by sending informational notifications to the emails provided during registration. Nonetheless, the responsibility of the User to regularly review this Contract has priority, and the Student may not present claims to the Service Administrator in regards to the Student’s disagreement with the changes to the Contract on the basis that the Student did not receive an appropriate notification.
8.8.In cases where the Service Administrator provides free access to the Online Course or Webinar to the Student, consumer protection laws do not apply to such services.
8.9.The Service is not responsible for any search engines displaying the Student’s photograph if the Student published their photograph on their Account.
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